Design, functional highway reclamation and Ferrara-Porto Garibaldi highway link management license.
Work divided into three segments:
– the first from the Ferrara Sud exit to km 4.2;
– the second from km 4.2 to km 43.1 (Comacchio barrier);
– the third, to Porto Garibaldi.
The arterial road will include 5 exits and one toll exit in addition to two service areas and one rest area.
The final configuration will be two 3.75-metre lanes and one 3-metre hard shoulder for each direction, separated by a 4-metre traffic island for a total 25-metre wide platform.
Work in association with: Autobrennero – Pizzarotti– Coopsette – CO.Seam – Oberosler – Cordioli – Wipptal – CCC – Mazzi – Cons. Stab. Modenese